윈도우 하둡 window hadoop HDinsight Azure 압축 호환에 관련된 글 (Gzip, Bzip2, LZO, LZ4, snappy)
- 문서 다운로드
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCQQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fdownload.microsoft.com%2Fdownload%2F1%2FC%2F6%2F1C66D134-1FD5-4493-90BD-98F94A881626%2FCompression%2520in%2520Hadoop%2520(Microsoft%2520IT%2520white%2520paper).docx&ei=efxBVOydHqfMmAWHu4KoCg&usg=AFQjCNEMlCpXoTbqzo33gI1tTysuMlRYlg&sig2=QtX7kQz7ssNkU_aIYjb_7w&bvm=bv.77648437,d.dGY - 위도우 하둡 종류 정리
- HDInsight에서 LZOP 압축을 사용할 수 있는지에대한 자료를 찾다가 위의 문서를 찾았습니다 해당 자료는 2013년 1월에 만들어진 자료지만 제가 찾은 LZOP에대한 정보는 어느정도 알 수 있는 자료였습니다
- 하둡 0.20+ 버전부터 GNU라이센스 문제로 하둡배포판에서 LZOP가 빠졌다고합니다 하지만 직접 다운로드해서 추가하면 사용할 수 있도록 포맷을 지원한다고 합니다
아래 글을 보고 사용할 수 있다고 판단되어집니다
Note: LZO has been removed from Hadoop in version 0.20+, because the LZO libraries are licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). If you need to use LZO, the format is still supported, so you can download the codec separately and enable it manually in your Hadoop cluster.
Depending on your version of Hadoop, you might need to download the LZOP codec should separately and enabled the codec manually in your Hadoop cluster.
이 링크에 리눅스와 윈도우에 lzo를 설치하는 방법이 안내되고 있습니다
문서에 포함된 사용 가능한 압축 포맷 입니다
Bzip is a popular tool which includes a version for Windows.
Download site |
Supported codecs |
BZip2 |
License |
This library has been released under the GPL license. |
Supported platforms |
Apache Hadoop distribution HDInsight |
The latest version of the suite includes both Bzip2.exe and Gzip.exe.
Download site |
Supported codecs |
GZip |
License |
This library has been released under the GPL license. |
Supported platform |
Apache Hadoop distribution HDInsight |
Lzop is a file compression utility very similar to Bzip2. The LZO algorithm is optimized for speed and does not compress as much. This can be either an advantage or disadvantage, depending on whether you want speed or space.
Download site |
Supported codes |
License |
LZOP is Open Source software but is copyrighted, and is distributed under the terms of GNU General Public License (GPL). |
Supported platform |
Apache Hadoop distribution only. Depending on your version of Hadoop, you might need to download the LZOP codec should separately and enabled the codec manually in your Hadoop cluster. |
LZ4 is a very fast and lossless compression algorithm.
If you are using Hadoop on Windows, you can also use the LZ4 compression algorithm through a command-line utility and a small Windows application. In our tests we used the command line tool and recommend it over the standalone application.
Download site Standalone Windows application Command Line Utility for Windows |
http://sd-1.archive-host.com/membres/up/182754578/LZ4_install_v13b.exe http://sd-1.archive-host.com/membres/up/182754578/LZ4v13b.zip |
Supported codecs |
LZ4 |
License |
LZ4 is currently included in the Hadoop distribution. |
Supported platforms |
Apache Hadoop distribution only |
7Zip is a powerful compression tool that we highly recommend for use as a local compression processor. It is capable of maximizing computation resources on the local computer, and the user can configure the number of threads that can be used for file compression.
7zip provides several interfaces for interacting with the compression tools:
· Command line interface
· Graphical interface
· Microsoft windows shell integration
7zip has its own documentation, and it is easy to learn how to use the shell to process files. To view the 7ZIP documentation, open the directory where you installed 7zip, and look for the help documentation (typically provided as standalone document or text file.)
Download site |
Supported codes |
BZip2, Gzip (7Zip does not provide LZO compression.) |
License |
7Zip is open source software; most of the source code is under the GNU LGPL license. |
Supported platforms |
Apache Hadoop distribution HDInsight |