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HDInsight jump start guide (윈도우용 하둡 설치 사용 가이드)


Microsoft HDInsight 설치 후 동작 테스트 가이드 입니다

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샘플소스와 설명 문서 파일이 있습니다

Microsoft HDInsight Big Data Jump Start Guide.docx


시나리오 정보 입니다

Loading data into a Hadoop cluster from local machine.

o Scenario 1 - Bulk Import Data into Hadoop

Running a map-reduce job on Windows Azure HDInsight Service and Microsoft HDInsight Server using either data on the Hadoop cluster or with Windows Azure Storage.

o Scenario 2 - Run the MapReduce job to load Hadoop with the log data

o Scenario 3 – Using Windows Azure Storage as a data source

Creating a Hive table from the map-reduce results. Hive provides a structured schema on top of Hadoop for connecting to structured data sources using ODBC.

o Scenario 4 - Import the results into Hive Table

Exporting data to a Windows Azure SQL Database from a Hive table 

o Scenario 5 - Export Hadoop data to Windows Azure SQL Database using Sqoop 

Using the Hive table for performing analysis with Microsoft Excel, SQL Server Analysis Services, and PowerPivot and PowerView with Microsoft Excel 2013

o Scenario 6 - Using Excel with Hive table (loaded with Hadoop Data)

o Scenario 7 - Create a tabular data model in Analysis Services for reporting using HiveODBC

o Scenario 8 - Creating a Power Pivot and Power View report using Excel 2013

Loading data onto a Hadoop cluster from operational data including SQL Server database and from log files using Flume

o Scenario 9 - Loading operational data into Hadoop using Sqoop
